According to Xero, on any given day more than 50 percent of Xero small businesses are owed at least $7,000.

Xero, the global small business platform, says Kiwi
small businesses are struggling as they wait for an estimated $7.4 billion in overdue payments. The estimate is based on Xero Small Business Insights (XSBI), an anonymous and aggregated data set drawn from a sample of Xero’s more than 350,000 Kiwi subscribers. The data from the April-June quarter (Q1) 2019 reveals that on any given day, more than 50 percent of small businesses on the Xero platform are owed at least $7,000. On average half the overdue invoices were at least 16 days past their due date and still pending payment.

“It’s unfair that there is a lot of Kiwi small businesses out there waiting too long for money that’s
rightfully theirs,” says Craig Hudson, Xero’s Managing Director, New Zealand & Pacific Islands. “Small business need this money to pay suppliers, staff, rent and other bills – and over time that can take a toll. Weak cash flow doesn’t just impact the financial stability of a business, there’s the human impact too, with financial stresses affecting employment, families and mental wellbeing.”

What’s more, Xero notes a rise in the proportion of small businesses reporting late payment of invoices in recent months, rising from 77 percent in March to more than 79 percent in May and June. “We hope sharing XSBI figures will make late payers, particularly bigger firms, aware of the burden they’re imposing on small firms and the wider economy, and encourage them to adopt quicker, more reliable payment practices. It’s certainly something we are investigating with our own payments, to ensure we practice what we preach,” said Hudson. Hudson says there was also a slight uptick in the average amount of overdue invoices per firm, at 13 in Q1 2019 versus 12 in Q1 last year. “The slow increases in overdues is not a good sign. However, the good news is that there are actually more invoices being issued this year – each business issued 44 per month last quarter, on average compared to 41 in the same period last year. This increased business activity is a very good sign for the economy because it’s a key sign of growth.”

Accommodation and food service businesses were the most affected by late payments, with overdue
invoices comprising 32.5 percent of all their invoices – compared to 28.5 percent for all industries. “They each had an average $9,586 overdue in Q1, which is smaller than other industries but significant when you consider they’re usually very small, often family-run, and typically making little profit.

“Small businesses are a big part of our economy. They are not only producers and employers but consumers too, buying off each other and keeping the wheels of the economy moving. Money needs to be coming in the door for it to go out, and unfortunately many small businesses aren’t big enough to absorb late payments, instead they just cope and try to recover.”

In recognising the impact of late payments on small businesses, we’ve developed a useful and innovative tool to help businesses secure client payment before a project or service is started so businesses receive immediate payment on successful project completion. That tool is IPromise. For more information about how IPromise can fix some of these issues highlighted by Xero in this referenced article, check out this short video or head to our Suppliers features page.

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