Buying or selling a house is one of the safest financial transactions you’ll ever make, thanks to escrow. It’s 100% secure and stress-free because payment is collected in advance, held by a lawyer and then released immediately upon transfer of the title. But…, this form of escrow is expensive and complicated. Until now.
IPromise has brought escrow to everyday transactions. Whether you’re a builder, contractor or selling your car. IPromise securely collects and holds payments in advance and releases them immediately when the job or trade is done.
Over due payments to NZ SME’s exceed $7.4 billion dollars. Countless deposits lost to scams, liquidations, incorrect payment details or dodgy deals on TradeMe / Facebook Marketplace. IPromise eliminates all these and many other payment problems from the comfort of your phone.
IPromise: Everyday Escrow that’s Safe as houses
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