Watch the explainer video.

It’s really simple. Firstly, work out the logical ‘Stages’ of the Project. For example:

1. Design   2. Purchase Materials   3. Build   4. Finishing/Details

Then create the quote in IPromise for ‘Stage 1’ including how much that Stage will cost. You can reference (if you have the detail) the rest of the Stages by uploading either an attachment or documenting within the quote builder function the rest of the Stages. Send the quote for Stage 1 to your customer and in order for you to start work, or order materials they will need to lock in the quote by paying the Stage 1 amount. You can then go into that Project Summary which will be ‘In progress’ and click on Add Stage / Variation. This will essentially duplicate the quote with your customer’s details and you can update the quote with the details and price for Stage 2. The project will be automatically linked to Stage 1. Again your customer will need to lock in the quote by paying the Stage 2 amount into the secure trust account. Repeat for as many Stages as you need.

These are all contained in a folder which makes managing the project very simple.